Gender Religion and Caste Class 10 Notes


  • Social Division: Divides people based on socially constructed roles and expectations, not biology.
  • Patriarchy: A system where men hold more power and are seen as superior to women. This can lead to discrimination in areas like:
    • Education: Fewer girls attending school or completing higher education.
    • Work: Limited job opportunities and lower wages for women.
    • Family: Unequal distribution of housework and decision-making.


  • India's Stance: A secular country, meaning no official religion. The Constitution guarantees:
    • Freedom of religion: Right to practice, preach, and convert (or not).
    • No discrimination based on religion.
  • Religion and Politics: Religion can influence politics, but:
    • Communalism: Using religion to divide people and create conflict is harmful.
    • The goal is peaceful coexistence and respecting religious diversity.


  • Historical Grouping: Traditionally divided people based on occupations.
  • Caste System Issues:
    • Limited social mobility: Born into a caste, difficult to change.
    • Discrimination: Upper castes hold more privilege and power.
    • Reservations: Policies to uplift disadvantaged castes in education and jobs.
  • Caste Today:
    • Changing: New caste groups emerging, social mobility increasing (slowly).
    • Caste-based discrimination persists and requires ongoing efforts for equality.


Bhaskar Singh

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